Bailey + Jc’s Omaha wedding Photos

Love is a powerful thing, you can feel it around you, in the air, see it in faces, hear it in voices. When you spend a whole day with a couple, it’s unmistakable, sometimes overwhelming, yet a beautiful thing. Bailey and JC invited us to witness their love, and capture it along the way.

The day started at one of our personal favorites, St John's Catholic Parish on the Creighton University Campus, no first moment for these two, keeping it traditional. Emotions running high the ceremony starts and I don’t think I’ve captured more beautiful moments between two people in this church. The casual glances, smiles, you can really tell they want to kiss each other, but they hold their composure, talk about will power.

From there, the wedding party headed to a nearby park to soak up the last bits of summer. I suppose all of the posing made them a little thirsty, let’s get a beer, a big beer. The basement of the Crescent Moon was quiet before they arrived, within minutes, fists pounding and screaming filled the bier hall, as two tables faced off in the classic contest of finish das boot. What a riot.

The night finishing up at Founders One | Nine in southwest Downtown. What a party, after dinner a collection of emotional speeches from the wedding party members and family, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Forget the cake, let’s get a scoop of ice cream. Be sure take a look at the photos of Dad scooping it out. All that’s left is dancing the night away. What an amazing day. Congratulations to the beautiful couple.

Omaha Wedding Photography | Omaha Wedding Photographers